Everything you need to know about caring for puppies, neutering dogs and whelping bitches….
Your new puppy – get to grips with the basics…
House training puppies – a simple guide, it ain’t easy but this will help you get on track…
Chewing – some tips if your puppy is chewing everything it isn’t supposed to…
Vaccination decisions – What are the options? What should I vaccinate my dog against?
Neutering – Why? When? Pros? Cons?
Whelping – What to expect on d-day..
Pre-operative instructions – Everything you need to know if your dog is coming in for a procedure.
Eaten Chocolate! – Our emergency service, Vets Now, have produced a helpful tool to help you assess what action to take if your dog has eaten chocolate.
Behaviour Tips – Minds Alike have produced a guide to Canine Body Language and an Introduction to some Common Behaviour Issues. These are excellent guides to canine behaviour and we thank Minds Alike for giving us permission to link to them here. They also recommend the videos at