Useful Information


General Information

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Selection of informative handouts covering pet travel, parasites, tooth-brushing, vaccination, tummy upsets and even fireworks….

  • Pet travel – simple guide to taking your dog, cat or ferret abroad using a pet passport…

  • Fleas – what makes them tick and more to the point what stops them ticking…

  • Worms – which ones are your pet at risk from and how to prevent them…

  • Toothbrushing – yes, your cat and dog would benefit from their teeth being brushed same as you AND it’s not as difficult as it sounds…

  • Vaccination – can be a thorny issue. Here is our take on the pros, cons, whys and wherefores of vaccination…

  • Vomiting and diarrhoea – simple first aid advice for this common problem…

  • Fireworks – how to help your pet cope…

  • Saying goodbye – making a hard time as easy as possible…

  • Bringing your pets to the vets – a few easy things to make your pets trip to see us as stress free as possible – for everyone!


Small Pets

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Everything you need to know about caring for the smaller creatures….




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Everything you need to know about caring for kittens, travelling with cats, introducing new pets to a cat, and if that isn’t enough, kittening….




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Everything you need to know about caring for puppies, neutering dogs and whelping bitches….